Mode of action:
Mesostemic, broad-spectrum fungicide with mainly preventive activity. Particular characteristics are redistribution by superficial vapour movement and surface water, good rain-fastness, and residual activity. Active against fungi of all four classes – Ascomycetes, Deuteromycetes, Basidiomycetes and Oomycetes. Controls powdery mildew, leaf spot and fruit diseases in the early stages of fungal development (including spore germination, germ tube extension and appressorium formation) in field crops: cereals, soya beans, corn, rice, cotton, peanuts, sugar beet and sunflowers; horticultural crops: pome fruit, stone fruit, tropical fruit, bananas, grapes, soft fruit, and many vegetables, as well as ornamentals and turf.
A novel broad-range activity protecting crop quality.
Provide a high level of broad spectrum preventive activity and excellent curative activity for specific pathogens.
Exhibits no known cross-resistance to other chemical classes including sterol inhibitors, dicarboximides, benzimidazoles, aniIinopyrimidines, or phenylamides.
Good rainfastness, long residual control.
Strongly absorbed by the waxy layers of the plant and provides excellent preventive activity, and insures higher yields and excellent fruit quality.
Application & Method:
Crops | Target | Formulation Dosage | Method |
Wheat | Rust Powdery mildew Leaf blight | 200-245 g/ha | Spray |
Grape | Black rot Powdery mildew | 105-140 g/ha | Spray |
Apple tree | Powdery mildew Scab | 140-210 g/ha | Spray |
Direction for use: